Monday, August 31, 2009

i'm a great casting director!

In the movie of your life, who would play...

Sara Rue
...a curvy redhead with a head for comedy and a heart for love.

...Your love interest?
Brad Pitt
...just the type of guy i go for: too perfect to be obtainable. with, of course, the Abercrombie-model good looks.

...Your best friend?
Jennifer Garner loving and smart, she knows what to say and how to cheer me up when Bradley there ends up falling for my sister (played brilliantly by Brigid Brannaugh) instead of me.

...Your mother?
Allison Janney
...GORGEOUS, talented, funny, uber smart... just like my real mother!

...Your worst enemy?
Reese Witherspoon, supportive, the perfect friend... until she stabs you in the back. Reese would be perfect for this role. sweet to your face and venomous behind your back.


i picked these actors for these roles based on the people in my life and the roles in which i have seen these actors. i think they're all great actors and, from what little of them i know, good people.